Ultrahigh-pressure phase relationship of SiO 2 silica in multimegabar pressure condition is still quite unclear. Here, we report a theoretical prediction on a previously uncharacterized stable structure of silica with an unexpected hexagonal Fe 2 P-type form. This phase, more stable than the cotunnite-type structure, a previously postulated postpyrite phase, was discovered to stabilize at 640 GPa through a careful structure search by means of ab initio density functional computations over various structure models. This is the first evidential result of the pressure-induced phase transition to the Fe 2 P-type structure among all dioxide compounds. The crystal structure consists of closely packed, fairly regular SiO 9 tricapped trigonal prisms with a significantly compact lattice. Additional investigation further elucidates large effects of this phase change in SiO 2 on the stability of MgSiO 3 and CaSiO 3 at multimegabar pressures. A postperovskite phase of MgSiO 3 breaks down at 1.04 TPa along an assumed adiabat of super-Earths and yields Fe 2 P-type SiO 2 and CsCl (B2)-type MgO. CaSiO 3 perovskite, on the other hand, directly dissociates into SiO 2 and metallic CaO, skipping a postperovskite polymorph. Predicted ultrahigh-pressure and temperature phase diagrams of SiO 2 , MgSiO 3 , and CaSiO 3 indicate that the Fe 2 P-type SiO 2 could be one of the dominant components in the deep mantles of terrestrial exoplanets and the cores of gas giants.ab initio density functional simulation | multimegabar crystalline phase | silicon dioxide | super-Earth mantle E xploration of new high-pressure phases of silica has always attracted substantial interests in geophysics, materials science, and condensed matter physics because of its broad fundamental applicability (1-10). Low-pressure polymorphs of silica such as quartz have Si tetrahedrally coordinated by O, whereas in stishovite-(a rutile-type SiO 2 phase), CaCl 2 -, α-PbO 2 -, and pyrite (FeS 2 )-type phases, which form subsequently from ∼10 to ∼250 GPa, the coordination number (CoN) of Si increases to 6. Recent ab initio theoretical calculations have predicted a phase transition from the pyrite-to the cotunnite (α-PbCl 2 )-type structure around 700 GPa accompanied with further increase in CoN to 9 (11, 12). Although these studies showed some new aspects of SiO 2 at the pressures where experiments of solid-solid phase change are nearly impossible, they adopted the cotunnite structure to SiO 2 simply based on the knowledge of high-pressure behaviors of some analog compounds (13-16) with no attention to other candidates.Recent improvements in detection methods allow for the discovery of low-mass terrestrial exoplanets with 1-10 times Earth's mass (M ⊕ ), so-called "super-Earths" (17-20). Because pressure conditions of their deep mantles, as well as those of the cores of some gas giants, are located in a sub-terapascal range (21, 22), ultrahigh-pressure and temperature stabilities of SiO 2 and some other silicates such as MgSiO 3 and CaSiO 3 , major components in the Earth's...