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PREFACEThis volume of Advances in Nuclear Physics addresses two very different frontiers of contemporary nuclear physics -one highly theoretical and the other solidly phenomenological.The first article by Matthias Burkardt provides a pedagogical overview of the timely topic of light front quantization. Although introduced decades ago by Dirac, light front quantization has been a central focus in theoretical nuclear and particle physics in recent years for two major reasons. The first, as discussed in detail by Burkardt, is that light-cone coordinates are the natural coordinates for describing high-energy scattering. The wealth of data in recent years on nucleon and nucleus structure functions from high-energy lepton and hadron scattering thus provides a strong impetus for understanding QCD on the light cone. Second, as theorists have explored light front quantization, a host of deep and intriguing theoretical questions have arisen associated with the triviality of the vacuum, the role of zero modes, rotational invariance, and renormalization. These issues are so compelling that they are now intensively investigated on their own merit, independent of the particular application to high-energy scattering. This article provides an excellent introduction and overview of the motivation from high-energy scattering, an accessible description of the basic ideas, an insightful discussion of the open problems, and a helpful guide to the specialized literature. It is an ideal opportunity for those with a spectator's acquaintance to develop a deeper understanding of this important field.The second article provides a comprehensive review by James Kelly of major advances in the field of electron-induced nucleon knockout reactions.In principle, knockout of a nucleon by the known electromagnetic current provides a powerful tool to explore the energy and momentum distribution of protons and neutrons in finite nuclei. The advent of high duty-factor accelerators, polarized beams, out-of-plane detectors, and increased kinematic range and resolution has dramatically expanded our experimental horizons, and brings us far closer to exploiting the full potential of this probe. Kelly's xi xii Preface article provides a thorough review of the basic framework for extracting nuclear structure information from knockout reactions and surveys major new experimental results. It is also extremely useful in highlighting the limitations in our understanding of these reactions arising from theoretical uncertainties in the optical potential, off-shell nucleon currents, and the reaction mechanism. The combination of the recent experiments reviewed here and those about to begin at new facilities represents a major advance in nuclear physics, and this article provides both an excellent introduction for nonspecialists and a comprehensive overview for those in the fie...