We have developed an all-NbN-integrated dc SQUID magnetometer for future applications in the higher operating temperature by taking advantage of NbN films' higher critical temperature about 16 K. Our NbN dc SQUID magnetometer is fabricated on a single crystal MgO (100) substrate, consisting of epitaxial NbN/AlN/NbN Josephson junctions, Ti/Pd shunt resistors, and a top 400-nm-thick NbN wiring layer. The critical current, inductance, and shunt resistance of NbN SQUID are set at 20 μA, 240 pH, and 1 Ω, respectively. We measured the current-voltage characteristics, voltage-flux characteristics and flux noise of the NbN SQUID magnetometer in a superconductive niobium shield at 4.2 K. In a flux locked loop operation mode, the NbN SQUID magnetometer exhibits excellent performances with a flux noise level of 6 μΦ 0 /ÝHz in the white region. The corner frequency is only 10 Hz. Based on the calibrated magnetic field sensitivity of 1.7 nT/Φ 0 at magnetically shielded room, the magnetic field resolution of 10 fT/ÝHz is achieved.