Building a submarine network is a challenging endeavor since it encompasses many dillerent areas of expertise as well as a broad range of hardware and network management tools. Of conrse, great store must he paid to the overall cost base to ensure that the system ownership cost is minimized over its life cycle. The key parameters are generally bandwidth flexibility, network reliability and costs.As far as the offshore-communication market is concerned, the prime candidate for system architecture will likely he that of an nnrepeatered system. This paper is a three-pronced introduction to unrepeatered systems This paper will explain how the optical technology can increase any offshore network's undersea connectivity through the optics many intrinsic capabilities: versatile bandwidth access and management, best all around reliability, very long life time, error kee data transfer.The telecom driven technological pull has brought to the fore the most effective undersea data transfer networks that can step in as a form, fit and function solution for many "non-telecom" offshore applications, even though these applications might be less "bandwidth hunm".as it pertains-to the .offshore maiket. The-main applications will be described as well as some similarities to terrestrial systems. Then the current state-nf-art svstems will he reviewed along with their hardware It simply suffices to under equip the "dry" plant and to optimize the of the z'wet,, plant when the bandwidth demand is not at a premium. ~ breakdown structure with the main insights into the technological, environmental and cost challenges involved in putting it all together. 11. MAIN APPLICATIONS Finally, some key components such as the cable, the cable installation and maintenance and the transmission A) Traditional Telecom submarine infrastructure performances and cost tradeoffs.