Edited by Karen G. Fleming Myosins are molecular motors that use a conserved ATPase cycle to generate force. We investigated two mutations in the converter domain of myosin V (R712G and F750L) to examine how altering specific structural transitions in the motor ATPase cycle can impair myosin mechanochemistry. The corresponding mutations in the human -cardiac myosin gene are associated with hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy, respectively. Despite similar steady-state actin-activated ATPase and unloaded in vitro motility-sliding velocities, both R712G and F750L were less able to overcome frictional loads measured in the loaded motility assay. Transient kinetic analysis and stopped-flow FRET demonstrated that the R712G mutation slowed the maximum ATP hydrolysis and recovery-stroke rate constants, whereas the F750L mutation enhanced these steps. In both mutants, the fast and slow power-stroke as well as actin-activated phosphate release rate constants were not significantly different from WT. Time-resolved FRET experiments revealed that R712G and F750L populate the pre-and post-power-stroke states with similar FRET distance and distance distribution profiles. The R712G mutant increased the mole fraction in the post-power-stroke conformation in the strong actin-binding states, whereas the F750L decreased this population in the actomyosin ADP state. We conclude that mutations in key allosteric pathways can shift the equilibrium and/or alter the activation energy associated with key structural transitions without altering the overall conformation of the pre-and post-powerstroke states. Thus, therapies designed to alter the transition between structural states may be able to rescue the impaired motor function induced by disease mutations. . 4 The abbreviations used are: HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; M2, human -cardiac myosin; MV, chicken myosin Va; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; FlAsH, fluorescein bis-arsenical hairpin binding dye; QSY, QSY TM 9 C5-maleimide; CaM, calmodulin; mantADP, 2Ј-deoxy-ADP labeled with N-methylanthraniloy at the 3Ј-ribose position; mant, N-methylanthraniloy; PBP-MDCC, phosphate-binding protein labeled with 7-diethylamino-3-((((2-maleimidyl)ethyl)amino)carbonyl)coumarin; (TR) 2 FRET, transient time-resolved FRET; ELC, essential light chain; PDB, Protein Data Bank. cro ARTICLE 1554 Figure 4. Actin-activated product release. Sequential mix single-turnover experiments were performed by mixing MV with ATP, aging the reaction to form the M.ADP.P i state (0.45 M), and then mixing with different concentrations of actin in the presence of MDCC-PBP (5 M ). A, the fluorescence transients were fit to a single-exponential function (phosphate burst) followed by a linear or slow exponential rise. B, the phosphate release rate constants were plotted as a function of actin concentration and fit to a hyperbolic function to estimate the maximum rate of phosphate release. C, acto-MV (0.25 M) in presence mantADP (5 M) was mixed with saturating ATP (1 mM) at 25°C to determine the ADP release rate constan...