We present the electronic structure of Sr 1−(x+y) Lax+yTi1−xCrxO3 investigated by high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy. In the vicinity of Fermi level, it was found that the electronic structure were composed of a Cr 3d local state with the t 3 2g configuration and a Ti 3d itinerant state. The energy levels of these Cr and Ti 3d states are well interpreted by the difference of the charge-transfer energy of both ions. The spectral weight of the Cr 3d state is completely proportional to the spin concentration x irrespective of the carrier concentration y, indicating that the spin density can be controlled by x as desired. In contrast, the spectral weight of the Ti 3d state is not proportional to y, depending on the amount of Cr doping.PACS numbers: 71.20.-b, 79.60.-i, 71.55.-i If the charge and spin degrees of freedom of electrons can be controlled just as one designed, it is possible to engineer a next-generation of devices merging conventional electronics with magnetoelectronics [1]. So far, however, there is no report that has succeeded in handling magnetic and semiconducting properties independently. Magnetic semiconductors (MSs) are one of the best candidates among the spin-electronic devices utilizing the both properties. Indeed, following a successful synthesis of the prototypical In 1−x Mn x As and Ga 1−x Mn x As [2, 3, 4], several room temperature (RT) ferromagnetic MSs such as ZrTe:Cr [5] have recently been discovered, leading a continuous effort to understand the electronic and magnetic properties of these materials. However, it is still difficult to control their magnetic and semiconducting properties independently, and this difficulty stems from that the both properties depend upon only the one-transition-metal (1-TM) element doping in either III-V-based or RT ferromagnetic MSs.Alternatively, a Cr-doped perovskite-type titanate Sr 1−(x+y) La x+y Ti 1−x Cr x O 3 (SLTCO) is based on a new concept of independent control of the charge and spin degrees of freedom by 2-TM elements (Ti and Cr); the end compound SrTiO 3 of this family is a band insulator with a wide band gap of 3.2 eV. It is well known that carrier doping can be realized by La 3+ substitution for Sr 2+ , which introduces electrons (y) into Ti 3d conduction band. A further manipulation of the resulting Sr 1−y La y TiO 3 is to introduce Cr 3+ by replacing SrTiO 3 with LaCrO 3 by the amount of x. Because Cr 3+ (3d 3 ) ions are usually magnetic in oxides, the above substitution of Cr 3+ for Ti 4+ would realize a "spin doping" of S=3/2 local moment at the Ti sites. In other words, x and y nominally represent "spin" and "carrier" concentration (n s and n c ), respectively. In fact, magnetic and transport measurements showed that the paramagnetic Curie constant increases with x, and a semiconducting resistivity decreases with increasing y [6]. Judging from the sign change of the Weiss temperature, the correlation between Cr ions should vary from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic interaction with from y=0 to y>0. This ferromagetic interacti...