To determine the symmetry of the order parameter in superconducting YBazCu&07 z (YBCO), we use a scanning SQUID microscope at 4.2 K to perform independent experiments on six YBCO-Ag-Pb SQUIDs. We find completely unambiguous evidence for a time-reversal-invariant order parameter with a phase shift of m-between the a and b directions of YBCO. Our results are inconsistent with purely s-wave symmetric pairing and are strongly suggestive of d 2 -y2 symmetric pairing in YBCO. PACS numbers: 74.50.+r, 74.20.Mn, 74.72.Bk At present, there is enormous controversy concerning the symmetry of the order parameter in the high transition temperature (T,) superconductor YBa2Cu307 s (YBCO) [1]. The work we report here greatly extends the pioneering experiment of Wollman et al. [2], who first reported results on YBCO-Pb SQUIDs. Their conclusion of d .~2 symmetric pairing has been supported by some recent work on Josephson junctions and SQUIDs [3 -5], but not by other work [6,7]. In our own work, we have found that common effects produced by trapped vortices, magnetic field gradients, measuring currents, or asymmetries in the SQUIDs can mimic those produced by d-wave superconductivity.In light of this, the disagreements in prior work are neither surprising nor reassuring.In this Letter, we describe experiments which use a scanning SQUID microscope and a time-reversal-invariance test to provide consistent unambiguous evidence that YBCO has a time-reversal-invariant order parameter with a~shift between the crystal a and b directions.To understand how a SQUID can be used to find the pairing symmetry of a superconductor, consider Fig. 1(a), which shows a schematic of our type a bSQUID. O-ne half of the SQUID is made from the s-wave superconductor Pb and the other half from YBCO [2]. The two Josephson junctions allow tunneling of pairs between the superconductors, with one junction oriented normal to the YBCO a axis and the other normal to the b axis. If no magnetic field 8 is present and YBCO has a d 2 -y2 symmetry, then pairs tunneling through the a-axis junction have a phase shift of m with respect to pairs tunneling through the b-axis junction. Thus, a pair which travels once around the SQUID loop acquires an intrinsic phase shift of m. Such a~shift produces a current J circulating around the loop. If P = 2LIo/4O» 1, then a vr shift generates LJ = 4'o/2 of flux in the loop, where = h/2e is the flux quantum, L is the SQUID loop inductance, and Io is the average critical current of the junctions at 8 = 0. No such intrinsic phase shift, circulating current, or half quantized Aux would be produced at B = 0 if YBCO had s-wave symmetry or if the SQUID had a type a-a geometry, i.e. , both junctions oriented normal to the a axis [see Fig. 1(b)].In principle, the above ideas can be used to determine the pairing symmetry.However, in practice, great care is required because such a circulating current can arise from any small magnetic field. Such fields can be created by the measuring apparatus, by vortices in the superconducting films, or...