Due to the recent increase in the intensity of rainstorms, the Japanese government has announced a new policy of flexible flood mitigation measures that presupposes the release of water volumes exceeding the river channel capacity onto floodplains. However, due to the limited amount of quantitative measurement data on excess runoff, it will take time to formulate planning standards for remodeling and newly constructing flood control facilities reasonable enough under current budgetary constraints. In this study, the capacity shortage of a flood detention pond was evaluated against the excess runoff from a severe 2019 flood event by combining the fragmentary measurement data with a numerical flow simulation. Although the numerical model was a rather simple one commonly used for rough estimation of inundation areas in Japan, the results were overall consistent with the observations. Next, in accordance with the new policy, an inexpensive remodeling of the detention basin, which was designed according to conventional standards, was simulated; the upstream side of the surrounding embankment was removed so that excess water flowed up onto the floodplain gradually. Numerical experiments using the simple model indicated that the proposed remodeling increased the effectiveness of flood control remarkably, even for floods greater than the 2019 flood, without much inundation damage to upstream villages.