I t is shown that the line shape calculated for the n.m.r. spectrum of a magnetic nucleus attached to a nucleus of spin 5/2 undergoing quadrupole relaxation agrees well with the observed spectrum of iodine heptafluoride. The iodine-fluorine coupling constant was found to be J I F = 2 100 C/S. The apparent magnetic equivalence of the fluorine atoms in IF7 is discussed.The I T nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectrum of IF7 a t room temperature is an extrenlely broad doublet (Fig. 1A). Our spectrum agrees closely with that reported previously (1-4). Muetterties and Packer (3) have suggested that the observed spectrum is a partially collapsed sextet arising from the coupling of seven spectroscopically equivalent fluorines to the iodine which is undergoing quadrupole relaxation. They did not, ho~vever, calculate the expected spectrum. Recently, Suzuki and Kubo (5) have given a general method for calculating multiplet line contours for the resonance of nuclei coupled to a high-spin nucleus which is undergoing quadrupole relaxation. Previous calculations of line shapes for nuclei coupled to nuclei having I = 1 (6, 7) and I = 3/2 (8) may be considered as limited applications of this illore general theory. I t has been pointed out that the theory involves some approximations (5, 6) but the agreement between calculated and experimental line shapes for I = 3/2 (8) indicates that the approximations do not lead t o any serious error. Suzuki and Kubo calculate spectral shapes as a function of a parameter a = (e2;~)2 --9 where e = the charge on an electron, eq = the electric field gradient a t the nucleus, eQ = the quadrupole moment of the nucleus, T , = the correlation time for molecular 'Present address: