Pyrrole is one of the simplest six-π-electron five-membered heteroatomic aromatic molecules, which plays an important role in organometallic materials, pesticides, organic polymers, and biologically active compounds. 1 For these reasons, pyrrole and its derivatives have attracted great attention in past decades, both experimentally and theoretically. 2À17 After excitation, pyrrole shows a rich photochemistry, which is still not well understood in full detail.It is well-known that there are two dominant bands in the ultraviolet absorption spectrum of pyrrole below the first ionization threshold. 2,17 These two absorption bands have been assigned to excitations of two bright ππ* states of symmetry, 1B 2 and 1A 1 , centered at 6.0 and 7.5 eV, respectively. 5,17 Despite extensive theoretical research, the interpretation is still not verified. A number of low-lying Rydberg transitions are expected to be interleaved in the first absorption band region. 4,5 The second absorption band had been attributed to the presence of highlying excited valence states. 3,4,12,18 The simultaneous occurrence of many overlapping Rydberg series and valence excited states is responsible for the complex structure of the electronic spectrum of pyrrole. 19 These overlapping and valenceÀRydberg mixing interactions make the theoretical calculations of excited states challenging. 5,17À19 There is another relative weak and sharp absorption band, centered at about 6.8 eV, which has been assigned to Rydberg transition to 4B 1 (1a 2 3d) state (6.78 eV). 5 Two nearby bands, at 6.798 and 7.02 eV, were assigned to the excitation of the 2A 2 (1a 2 4s) and 5A 1 (2b 1 3p) Rydberg states. 4,5 In the most recent calculation, transitions ascribed to several excited states, such as 2B 2 , 4B 1 , and 3A 2 , were reported to be 6.58, 6.65, and 6.7 eV, respectively, which is close to this absorption band. 17 In the REMPI spectrum, a transition at 6.798 eV was ten times more intense than 6.781 eV (3d origin), which was ascribed to the excitation of a valence state 1A 1 (ππ*). 4,5 However, these optically allowed transitions were not observed in the nanosecond (1 + 1) REMPI spectra from 390 to 310 nm in a cold molecular beam experiment, which was supposed to be due to ultrafast deactivation via conical intersections with the dissociative 1A 2 (πσ*) and 1B 1 (πσ*) states. 20 The REMPI spectral features indicated that 2 + 1 resonance ionization in this region proceeded via Rydberg orbitals. 4,20 More recent work has focused on the role of NÀH bond dissociation in the deactivation of low excited states of pyrrole. 19,21À25 The observation of prompt NÀH photodissociation 22,23 was ascribed to dynamics occurring in the 1 πσ* states (with symmetry A 2 and B 1 ), which lie below the principal absorptions to 1 ππ* states. An ab initio study 21 suggested that S 1 r S 0 transitions should be absent from the REMPI spectrum due to either dissociation of 1 ππ* states via conical intersections with 1 πσ* states or internal conversion to the ground state. Recent time-depe...