The behavlor of bromo(pyrldlne)(5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrlnato)cobattate (CoTPP(py)Br) as a NO,--selectlve Ion carrier Is reported. I n dloctyl adlpate plastlclred poly(vlnylchlorlde) membranes the carrier Induces NO,-sensltlvlty wlth a slope of -57 mV/decade and selectlvlty coefflclents for CI-, Br-, H,P04-, and HP04?-of 5 X lo4, 1.6 X 2.1 X and 6.1 X lo4, respectively. These membranes respond to pH changes above pH 6 wlth a slope of -25 to -34 mV/pH unit. A spatlal Imaging photometer has been developed to Image the concentratlon proflle changes Inside the membrane In the dlrectlon of Ion transport wlth a spatlal resolutlon of less than 5 pm. The uptake of H20 Is observed by the formatlon of llght scattering centers and exhlblts a nonunlform dlstrlbutlon across the membrane. The transport of NO2-Is also observed when a CoTPP( py)Br-contalnlng membrane Is exposed to NO2-at one membrane/solutlon Interface. The Internal concentration proflle Is descrlbed by Flck's laws of dlffuslon, glvlng a dlffuslon coefficient of 5 X lo-' cm2/s In the membrane. Evldence for lnhomogenelty In the membrane In the dlrectlon of charge transport Is also obtalned.