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Perturbations in the pure rotational spectrum of CoCl (X 3 Φ i ): A submillimeter studyElectronic transitions of cobalt monochloride and cobalt monoiodide have been studied using laser vaporization-reaction free jet expansion and laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy in the near infrared region. The observed transitions have been identified as the ͓10.3͔ 3 ⌽ 4 -X 3 ⌽ 4 transition of CoCl and ͓11.0͔ 3 ⌽ 4 -X 3 ⌽ 4 transition of CoI. The magnetic hyperfine structure arising from the cobalt nucleus with Iϭ7/2 was resolved and analyzed. Accurate rotational and hyperfine parameters for the ͓10.3͔ 3 ⌽ 4 and X 3 ⌽ 4 states of CoCl and ͓11.0͔ 3 ⌽ 4 and X 3 ⌽ 4 states of CoI have been obtained. Comparison of Fermi contact parameters, b F , for the upper states indicated that the observed ͓10.3͔ 3 ⌽ 4 -X 3 ⌽ 4 transition of CoCl and ͓11.0͔ 3 ⌽ 4 -X 3 ⌽ 4 transition of CoI have arisen from the promotion of an electron from the bonding orbital to a slightly antibonding orbital. Observed low-lying 3 ⌽ states of the cobalt monohalides and hydride are also compared and discussed.