Speckle is an inevitable consequence of the use of coherent light in optical coherence tomography (OCT), and often acts as noise that obscures micro-structures of biological tissue. We here present a novel method of suppressing speckle noise intrinsically compatible with adaptive optics (AO) in OCT system: by modulating the phase inside the imaging system pupil aperture with a segmented deformable mirror, thus producing minor perturbations in the point spread function (PSF) to create un-correlated speckle pattern between B-scans, and further averaging to wash out the speckle but maintain the structures. It is a well-controlled and universal method which can efficiently determine the optimal range of phase modulation that minimizing speckle noise while maximizing image resolution and signal strength for different systems and/or samples. As an active method, its effectiveness and efficiency were demonstrated by both ex-vivo non-biological and in-vivo biological applications.
Introduction:Speckle is a long-standing issue in all imaging technologies that use coherent light sources 1-4 , arised from the interference between light scattered by a random distributed scatters inside the system point-spread function (PSF), and observed as voxel-to-voxel intensity fluctuations in the image 5, 6 . Although speckle is a potential useful information about the dynamics of sample microstructure, in most applications it acts as a major noise source that degrades image quality. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a volumetric imaging technology developed in 1991 7 . It has been soon adopted in many biomedical applications 8-12 . However, as a method dependent on the coherent properties of light, OCT images suffer from speckle noise [13][14][15] .Many approaches have been taken to suppress speckle, including generation of multiple images by various means with uncorrelated speckle patterns, followed by averaging [16][17][18][19] . A weakness of these methods is that the number of uncorrelated speckle patterns that can be created is typically small, limiting speckle suppression by averaging. Speckle reduction methods using digital post-processing have also been proposed 20-23 . However, digital post-processing usually reduces speckle by spatial averaging or filtering, which necessarily reduces image resolution. Recently, it was shown that simple averaging of suitably numerous, well aligned images can reduce speckle for in vivo imaging, and it was hypothesized that subcellular motility Fig. 1 | System setup (photo in SI: Fig. S2) and the geometry of the segmented deformable mirror. a, OCT sample arm (Inset: (i) -Photo of the DM; (ii) -setup for USAF 1951 resolution test target; (iii)covariance analysis of the random segments pistons). b, Mirror configuration -Flat. c, Mirror Configuration -mirror segments with random displacements [SI: Video_S1]. d, Histogram of the mirror displacements for 100 mirror configurations in which the displacement range was 1m (0 0.5 m); Abbreviations: L#: Lens, VL: variable focus length liquid lens, ...