For the first time in visible part of the D2 emission spectrum the pseudo doublets representing partly resolved fine structure of rovibronic lines have been observed. They are characterized by splitting values about 0.2 cm −1 and relative intensity of the doublet components close to 2.0. It is shown that they are determined by triplet splitting in lower rovibronic levels of various 3 Λ ± g → c 3 Π − u electronic transitions. It is proposed to use an existence of such partly resolved fine structure patterns for identification of numerous unassigned spectral lines of the D2 molecule coming from great variety of triplet "gerade" electronic states to vibro-rotational levels of the c 3 Π − u state.The present paper reports new observations concerning triplet-triplet electronic-vibro-rotational (rovibronic) spectral lines in visible part of the emission spectrum of the D 2 molecule. There are several peculiarities of current knowledge of triplet rovibronic states and radiative transitions between them which make it possible to consider this knowledge as insufficient and which motivated our experimental studies.Most of spectral lines in visible and near infrared parts of the emission spectrum of molecular deuterium are not classified so far. Thus, for example in the latest compilation of experimental data [1] the working list of 27488 recorded lines (within the wavelength ranges ≈ 309−1192 and 1647 − 2780 nm) contains only 8243 assignments. In our opinion it is difficult to consider such situation as normal for an isotopomer of simplest neutral molecule (four-particle quantum system).Almost 1931 [10] exactly in visible part of the spectrum (see also [9]). Although both isotopomers should have similar values of the FS splitting it's observation in visible spectrum of the D 2 molecule was not reported in the literature known to authors.The goal of present work was to study an opportunity of resolving the fine structure in visible spectrum of the D 2 molecule by means of spectroscopic technique developed in [11][12][13]. It is based on achieving certain level of "optical resolution" of a spectrograph, recording spectral intensity distributions by matrix photoelectric detector, and by numerical deconvolution (inverse to the convolution operation) of recorded spectra. In dense multiline rovibronic spectra of H 2 and D 2 molecules actual "digital resolution" achievable by our technique could be much higher than "optical resolution" of spectrometer which is limited not by its resolving power but by large Doppler broadening of spectral lines (see below). Thus it is possible to speak about some kind of sub-Doppler high res-