7Digital pulse shape analysis (dPSA) has been used with a Cuttler-Shalev type 3 He ionization chamber to 8 measure the fast-neutron spectra of a deuterium-deuterium electronic neutron generator, a bare 252 Cf spontaneous 9 fission neutron source, and of the transmitted fast neutron spectra of a 252 Cf source attenuated by water, graphite, 10 liquid nitrogen, and magnesium. Rise-time dPSA has been employed using the common approach for analyzing 11 n + 3 He ĺ 1 H + 3 H ionization events and improved to account for wall-effect and pile-up events, increasing the 12 fidelity of these measurements. Simulations have been performed of the different experimental arrangements and 13 compared with the measurements, demonstrating general agreement between the dPSA-processed fast-neutron 14 spectra and predictions. The fast neutron resonance features of the attenuation cross sections of the attenuating 15 materials are clearly visible within the resolution limits of the electronics used for the measurements, and the 16 potential applications of high-resolution fast-neutron spectrometry for nuclear nonproliferation and safeguards 17 measurements are discussed. 18 19