A driving force in electronic device research has been increased functionality with reduced energy loss. One of the techniques proposed for meeting these goals has been the employment of tunnel diodes integrated with conventional transistors to form logic and memory circuits. Considerable progress has been made in the area of Si-based resonant interband tunnel diodes (RITD). Discrete RITDs have been reported that have a peak-to-valley current ratio (PVCR) greater than 6 [1], a peak current density (PCD) greater than 218 kA/cm 2 [2], and a voltage swing, V s , greater than 560 mV [3]. All of these devices, made by different research groups, have features in common: a) The electron tunneling occurs between bound states in the valence band and the conduction band created by highly doped layers formed by delta doping; b) a spacer layer between the two delta-doped layers which includes Si 1-x Ge x to reduce the bandgap and reduce the diffusion of dopants from the p-delta-doped layer; c) epitaxial growth at low temperature to reduce both the diffusion of dopants and the segregation of constituents during the growth; and d) a post-growth anneal to reduce the effect of point defects which occur due to the low temperature growth. In particular, the room temperature RITD performance has been shown to be sensitive to the Ge concentration [4], width of the alloy layer [5] and to the temperature of the post-growth anneal [4]. In spite of the narrow process windows, SiGe RITDs have been successfully integrated with both complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) transistors [6] and heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT) [7] to form elementary logic circuits. In this abstract, Si RITDs are designed and fabricated so that neither a Ge alloy layer, nor a post-growth anneal, is required to obtain a Si tunnel diode suitable for integration. In addition the thermal stability of the Si-RITDs are investigated in the temperature interval 500 o C to 675 o C, since the devices may be exposed to these temperatures during an integrated circuit process, such as the formation of ohmic contacts.Two device structures were investigated, Fig. 1. As noted in the figure, there are many common features including substrate type, growth initiated at 650 o C prior to growth of the buffer layer, B as the p-type dopant and P as the n-type dopant, 320 o C substrate temperature for the low temperature epitaxial growth, delta doping concentrations, and 6 nm spacer width. The elements differentiating the structures occur after the deposition of the P δ-doped layer. In structure "A" the substrate growth temperature is maintained at 320 o C to minimize the P segregation and B diffusion and the top contact layer is comprised of three P δ-doped layers separated by 2.5 nm n + Si followed by a 17.5 nm n + Si layer to minimize the series resistance at the top contact. In structure "B" the substrate growth temperature is maintained at 320 o C to grow 5nm undoped Si to trap the segregating P. Then the substrate temperature is raised to 550 o C (without growth)...