Objective: In the present study, the results of the copper serum and hair concentrations in anorexics (An), anorexia behavior (pro-An), and starving voluntaries women (SH), and the copper serum concentration in two anorexia animal models (chronic -CFD and acute starvation -SG) are reported. Methods: The copper concentration in tissues was measured by the AAS method in spectrometer with graphite furnace. Results: Significantly higher level of serum copper in SH (113%, p < 0.05), and significantly lower levels in Pro-An (82%, p < 0.01) and An (69%; p < 0.001) than in control (0.8 mg/1) were observed. The copper hair concentration was . significantly higher in SH (111%, p < 0.01), Pro-An (123%, p < 0.001) and An (155%, p < 0.001) than in control (14.1 (xg/g d.m.). Serum copper/zinc ratio in control, SH, Pro-An, and An was following: 0.7, 0.9, 0.7, 0.7, respectively. Serum copper level in CFD was similar and in SG significantly lower (60%, p < 0.001) than in control (0.9 mg/1), just like the copper/zinc ratio (0.7, 0.7, 0.5, respectively). Conclusions: The results showed that food restrictions strongly indicate the copper alterations in body were stronger in anorexics than in women who were only starve cyclic. Moreover, the animal models of starvation show similar changes.