One of the main challenges for the observation of a transient luminous event (TLE) is toobserve TLEs in different emission bands. Here, we show TLEs recorded using the ISUAL 427.8 nm, 630 nm, N 2 1P (623-750 nm) and 762-nm-filtered imager, and we analyze the 630-nm-filtered, N 2 1P-filtered, and 762-nm-filtered images of TLEs for estimating the N 2 (B 3 Π g ) Boltzmann vibrational temperature in comparison with the theoretical N 2 1P spectrum. For ISUAL recorded sprites, the average brightness of N 2 1P (I 1p ), 762 nm (I 762 ), and 630 nm (I 630 ) emission was 2.3, 0.6, and 0.02 MR. The N 2 (B 3 Π g ) vibrational temperatures (T v ) was estimated to be 2800 K, 3200 K, and 4300 K for multiband emission ratios of I 630 /I 1p , I 630 /I 762 , and I 762 /I 1p . For observed elves, the average brightness I 1p , I 762 , and I 630 were 170, 50, and 3 kR. The estimated T v values were 3700 K, 3700 K, and 3800 K for ratios I 630 /I 1p , I 630 /I 762 , and I 762 /I 1p . For observed gigantic jets, the derived T v values were 3000-5000 K for a ratio I 762 /I 1p . Through N 2 (B 3 Π g ) T v analyses from emission ratios of ISUAL multiband observation, we derived the N 2 (B 3 Π g ) vibrational temperature that ranges between 3000 and 5000 K or higher in TLEs. Accuracy and variations of derived N 2 (B 3 Π g ) T v are also discussed while relative population of vibrational levels in the Boltzmann equilibrium are also compared with past spectra observation.