Single Phase Latch (SPL) DesignPipelining dynamic logic circuits provides full use of the clock period. In typical dynamic design [1], one half of the clock cycle is used for a precharging and the other half for the logic evaluation, so that when parts of the circuit evaluate the other parts precharge and vice-versa.Circuit diagrams for a Singled Ended and Differential SPL are shown in Figure 1 Table 1 compares the performance of SPL in relation to the best performance reported dynamic latch for high speed GaAs domino circuits and static latch work. As can be observed SPL has the best performance in terms of operation frequency, chip area, device count and power dissipation.
Performance ComparisonDifferential SPL provides an alternative to latch CVSL reducing the number of devices with less power consumption and operation frequency, and a marginal degradation in performance is illustrated.
AcknowledgementThe support provided by the Spanish Interministerial Commission of Sciencie and Technology (CICYT) under DSIPS (TIC97-0953) project and Australian Research Council are greatly acknowledge.