Gravitational waves carry away both energy and angular momentum as binary black holes inspiral and merge. The relative efficiency with which they are radiated determines whether the final black hole of mass M f and spin S f saturates the Kerr limit (χ f ≡ S f /M 2 f ≤ 1). Extrapolating from the test-particle limit, we propose expressions for S f and M f for mergers with initial spins aligned or anti-aligned with the orbital angular momentum. We predict the the final spin at plunge for equalmass non-spinning binaries to better than 1%, and that equal-mass maximally spinning aligned mergers lead to nearly maximally spinning final black holes (χ f ≃ 0.9988). We also find black holes can always be spun up by aligned mergers provided the mass ratio is small enough.Recent breakthroughs in numerical relativity have led to successful simulations of the inspiral, merger, and ringdown of binary black holes (BBHs) [1,2,3]. Despite this progress, approximations underlying these simulations limit them to mergers with large but submaximal initial spins (χ i 0.9) and order-unity mass ratios (q ≡ m 2 /m 1 ≥ 1/6). Yet the maximally spinning regime is of considerable theoretical and observational interest. Maximally spinning black holes barely manage to hide their singularities within their event horizons, and observable, "naked" singularities are expected for spins χ > 1. While infinitesimal processes like steady accretion cannot produce naked singularities [4], Penrose's cosmic-censorship conjecture [5] that such singularities can never be created has not been proven for comparable-mass BBH mergers. Black-hole spins are not a purely theoretical concern; they can be measured by reverberation mapping of iron Kα fluorescence in the spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGN) [6]. This technique has been applied to XMM-Newton observations of the Seyfert 1.2 galaxy MCG-06-30-15, leading to a measured spin χ = 0.989 +0.009 −0.002 very near the maximal limit [7]. The spins of supermassive black holes (SBHs) also offer important insights into their formation. Some expect that highly spinning SBHs will only be found in gas-rich systems like spirals [8]. Others suggest that gas accretion occurs through a series of chaotically oriented episodes, leading to moderate spins (χ ∼ 0.1−0.3) lower than those expected from comparable-mass mergers in gas-poor ellipticals [9]. Comparing measured spins in spirals and ellipticals will distinguish between these two scenarios.In the absence of reliable simulations of maximally spinning BBH mergers, we must rely on various approximations in this important regime. Hughes and Blandford (hereafter HB) [10] assumed that the energy and angular momentum radiated during the inspiral stage dominates that radiated during the comparatively brief merger and ringdown. They then used conservation of energy and angular momentum to equate these quantities when the BBHs reach their innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) to the mass and spin of the final black hole,Here E(χ) is the energy per unit mass of a test particle...