We observed four rotational bands in 168 Lu using the 159 Tb( 13 C,4n) 168 Lu reaction at 58.5 MeV and 62 MeV and populated high spin states up to 27 h " . On the basis of the X-gating procedure and excitation function measurements done at beam energies of 50, 55, 58.5, 60, 62 and 64 MeV, we could identify the -ray transitions belonging to 168 Lu. The configurations of two strongly populated rotational bands (bands A and B) were based on our previous study and were examined by using the additivity relation for alignments. The configurations of two newly found rotational bands (bands C and D) were also assigned by the additivity relation. These identified configurations were confirmed by the Drissi's recipe and energy systematics of neighboring odd-odd nuclei. The configuration of bands A was assigned as K ¼ 6 þ ½7=2 þ ½404 þ 5=2 þ ½642. The configurations of the previous reported band B and two new bands C and D are likely to be 3 À ½1=2 À ½541 þ 5=2 þ ½642, 7 À ½9=2 À ½514þ 5=2 þ ½642 and 5 þ ½5=2 þ ½402 þ 5=2 þ ½642, respectively. We observed band crossing for three bands A, C and D, but not for band B. The extracted band crossing frequencies were consistent with the neutron BC crossing observed in neighboring odd-odd nuclei as well as odd-N and even-Z nuclei in this mass region. This was attributed to the occupied 5=2 þ ½642 Nilsson configuration arising from the neutron i 13=2 orbital. Energy systematics of bands built on g 7=2 i 13=2 and h 11=2 i 13=2 in neighboring odd-odd nuclei were also studied in comparison with bands A and C in 168 Lu.