Using methods of in-beam spectroscopy in connection with 35 MeV 7Li bombardment of 82Se targets four new isomers have been identified. They are observed in 83Br at 3070keV (T1/z=0.6+0.2gs), in SSRb at 2826keV (T1/z=12.5+0.6ns), in 85Kr at 1991 keV (T1/2 = 1.2• 1.o o.4 gs) and in 86Kr at 2250 keV (T1/2 =3.1 +0.6 ns). Spin and parity 19/2-have been assigned to the new isomer in 85Rb that is interpreted as the coupling of a P3/2 proton to the g9/2 two-neutron excitation of the N= 48 neutron system. Using the TDPAD method an upper limit for the g-factor of [gl<0.17 has been estimated for this isomer. The same two-neutron excitation is also believed to be responsible for the new isomer in S3Br. The new isomers in 85Kr and 86Kr are interpreted as configurations containing the two-proton excitation (f~2 ~, P~/~2) where in the isomeric 17/2 + level of 85Kr an additional g9/a neutron hole is involved.Nuclear Reactions: 82Se(YLi, ct2n)S3Br; 82Se(VLi, 4n)85Rb; 82Se(7Li, p3n)85Kr; 82Se(VLi, p2n)S6Kr; E=30, 35 MeV; measured Ey, a(E~, 0), 7-Y coin, e-y coin, p-y coin, y(t), y-ray linear polarization; 82Se(e, n)SSKr; E=13 21 MeV, measured Er, Iv, 7-7 coin, y(t). 8aBr, SSRb, 85Kr, 86Kr levels, deduced T1/2. J, yr. Enriched target, Ge(Li) detectors, Si detectors.