We report on the impact of nonlinear four-magnon scattering on magnon transport in microstructured Co 25 Fe 75 waveguides with low magnetic damping. We determine the magnon propagation length with microfocused Brillouin light scattering over a broad range of excitation powers and detect a decrease of the attenuation length at high powers. This is consistent with the onset of nonlinear four-magnon scattering. Hence, it is critical to stay in the linear regime, when deriving damping parameters from the magnon propagation length. Otherwise, the intrinsic nonlinearity of magnetization dynamics may lead to a misinterpretation of magnon propagation lengths and, thus, to incorrect values of the magnetic damping of the system.In the growing field of magnonics, 1-4 one aims at the use of magnons, the excitation quanta in magnetically ordered systems, to transport and process information. In order to allow for coherent long-distance transport of signals in complex magnonic networks, the search for materials with low magnetic damping was reinitiated. In 2016, ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements of continuous films revealed intrinsic damping values as low as (5±1.8)×10 −4 for the conductor Co 25 Fe 75 , 5 approaching values found for the ferrimagnetic insulator yttrium iron garnet 6 , with the added benefit of seminconductor compatibility. As a consequence, studies of the propagation characteristics in Co 25 Fe 75 microstructures followed, comparing damping values obtained from FMR to those derived from magnon propagation lengths. [7][8][9] In Ref. 7, a 2.5 times higher damping is reported for magnon transport measurements than for FMR analysis of extended films, which is attributed to significant extrinsic contributions to the magnetic damping in the microstructured sample, such as local inhomogeneities and two-magnon scattering.