We report a glueball Regge trajectory emerging from diagonalizing a confining Coulomb gauge Hamiltonian for constituent gluons. Using a BCS vacuum ansatz and gap equation, the dressed gluons acquire a mass, of order 800 M eV , providing the quasiparticle degrees of freedom for a TDA glueball formulation. The TDA eigenstates for two constituent gluons have orbital, L, excitations with a characteristic energy of 400 M eV revealing a clear Regge trajectory for J = L + S, where S is the total (sum) gluon spin. Significantly, the S = 2 glueball spectrum coincides with the Pomeron given by α P (t) = 1.08 + 0.25 t. Finally, we also ascertain that lattice data supports our result, yielding an average intercept of 1.1 in good agreement with the Pomeron.