The Bose polaron is a quasi-particle of an impurity dressed by surrounding bosons. In fewbody physics, it is known that two identical bosons and a third distinguishable particle can form a sequence of Efimov bound states in the vicinity of inter-species scattering resonance. On the other hand, in the Bose polaron system with an impurity atom embedded in many bosons, no signature of Efimov physics has been reported in the existing spectroscopy measurements up to date. In this work, we propose that a large mass imbalance between a light impurity and heavy bosons can help produce visible signatures of Efimov physics in such a spectroscopy measurement. Using the diagrammatic approach in the Virial expansion to include three-body effects from pairwise interactions, we determine the impurity self-energy and its spectral function. Taking 6 Li-133 Cs system as a concrete example, we find two visible Efimov branches in the polaron spectrum, as well as their hybridizations with the attractive polaron branch. We also discuss the general scenarios for observing the signature of Efimov physics in polaron systems. This work paves the way for experimentally exploring intriguing few-body correlations in a many-body system in the near future.Top-down and bottom-up are two major approaches to studying correlations in a quantum many-body system. The cold atom system has intrinsic advantage for the bottom-up approach since it is a dilute system and the few-body problems therein are well understood. In this approach, one would like to understand how manybody physics is built up from few-body correlations. In cold atom system, one of the most intriguing three-body correlations lies in Efimov physics, which is characterized by an infinite number of trimer states nearby a two-body resonance and following a universal scaling law [1,2]. Efimov physics has been observed in a number of cold atoms experiments, while all of them are at the few-body level [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. The manifestation of Efimov physics in the many-body system has yet to be observed.In this context, a convenient and non-trivial testbed is the highly-polarized ultracold gases, which consist of minority impurity atoms interacting with the majority of fermionic or bosonic atoms, respectively called the Fermi or the Bose polarons. Lots of theoretical efforts have been paid to study the Fermi polaron [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35] and the Bose polaron [36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51]. Nearby a Feshbach resonance, a Fermi polaron displays an attractive branch [20][21][22][23][24][25]29] and a repulsive branch [26][27][28], which directly manifests two-body correlations in this system. In the past few years, the Fermi polaron has been studied by a number of experiments [52][53][54][55][56][57], while the Bose polaron has only recently been explored [58][59][60]. Most of these experiments are the injection radio-frequency spectroscopy measurements, with which both the r...