We investigate the grand potential of the one-dimensional Hubbard model in the high temperature limit, calculating the coefficients of the high temperature expansion (β-expansion) of this function up to order β 4 by an alternative method. The results derived are analytical and do not involve any perturbation expansion in the hopping constant, being valid for arbitrary density of electrons in the onedimensional model. In the half-filled case, we compare our analytical results for the specific heat and the magnetic susceptibility, in the high-temperature limit, with the ones obtained by Beni et al. and Takahashi's integral equations, showing that the latter result does not take into account the complete energy spectrum of the one-dimensional Hubbard model. The exact integral solution by Jüttner et al. is applied to the determination of the range of validity of our expansion in β in the half-filled case, for several different values of U .