Few discoveries have been more transformative to the biological sciences than the development of DNA sequencing technologies. The rapid advancement of sequencing and bioinformatics tools has revolutionized bacterial genetics, deepening our understanding of model and clinically relevant organisms. Although application of newer sequencing technologies to studies in bacterial genetics is increasing, the implementation of DNA sequencing technologies and development of the bioinformatics tools required for analyzing the large data sets generated remain a challenge for many. In this minireview, we have chosen to summarize three sequencing approaches that are particularly useful for bacterial genetics. We provide resources for scientists new to and interested in their application. Here, we discuss the analysis of data from transposon mutagenesis followed by deep sequencing (Tnseq) to determine gene disruptions differentially represented in a mutant population and Illumina sequencing for identification of suppressor or other mutations, and we summarize single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing for de novo genome assembly and the use of the output data for detection of DNA base modifications.KEYWORDS High-throughput, SMRT, Tn-seq, sequencing M any important advances in sequencing technologies can be attributed to studies in microbiology. The first sequenced genome of bacteriophage X174 was completed by Sanger in 1978 (1), followed by the shotgun sequencing of bacteriophage lambda (2) and then the 1.8-MB genome sequence for Haemophilus influenzae in 1995 (3). Subsequent efforts led to the development of next-and third-generation sequencing platforms (4). Recent advances have provided powerful tools for novel research in basic and translational bacteriology. Given the diversity and complexity of sequencing applications, the initial implementation of microbial genomics and subsequent data analysis may prove arduous for researchers new to genomics.In our experience, many laboratories unfamiliar with sequencing approaches or subsequent data analysis have become interested in implementing sequencing to enrich discovery in their studies. This minireview is not intended to be comprehensive or written for an expert. The goal of this minireview is to provide an introductory explanation, tools, and resources for bacteriologists new to sequencing approaches. Therefore, we have chosen to discuss the application of three popular sequencing approaches followed by highlighting a few examples from the literature. First, we discuss methods for assessing fitness subsequent to transposon mutagenesis followed by deep sequencing (Tn-seq). Tn-seq analysis can be used as a genome-wide gene discovery method in a broad range of microorganisms. Next, we discuss the bioinformatics tools available for applications in resequencing utilizing high-throughput sequencing. One application of resequencing is to rapidly identify suppressor mutations