In order to achieve specific mechanical properties and structures of a material, a combination of new technologies together with an unconventional use of different types of materials could be an asset. Powder metallurgy, involving a metal matrix and dispersed stable particles, in combination with mechanical alloying and hot consolidation could be a solution. This paper describes the thermomechanical characteristics of new oxide-dispersion-strengthened (ODS) alloys with a Fe-Al matrix in terms of changes in the grain-size distribution. Recrystallization and grain growth were investigated over a range of temperatures and deformations. The results show that the grain-growing process in the new ODS alloys is significantly affected by the thermomechanical treatment, leading to the maximum grain size within 20-h annealing at 1200°C. They are analysed using different methods, including optical microscopy.Da bi lahko izdelali materiale s specifi~nimi mehanskimi lastnostmi in strukturo, moramo izbirati kombinacijo ve~razli~nih novih tehnologij skupaj z nekonvencionalno uporabo razli~nih vrst materialov. Kot re{itev se ponuja tehnologija metalurgije prahov, s katero lahko ustvarimo me{anico kovinskih prahov in stabilnih oksidnih delcev. Tej sledi kombinacija mehanskega legiranja in vro~e konsolidacije. V~lanku avtorji opisujejo termomehanske lastnosti nove z oksidi disperzijsko utrjene (ODS; angl: Oxide Dispersion Strengthened) zlitine s Fe-Al matrico s poudarkom na spremembah porazdelitve velikosti kristalnih zrn. Avtorji so raziskovali rekristalizacijo in rast zrn v {irokem obmo~ju temperatur in deformacij. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je proces rasti zrn novih ODS zlitin pomembno odvisen od termomehanske obdelave, ki vodi do maksimalne velikosti zrn po 20 urnem`arjenju na 1200°C. Avtorji so za analize uporabili razli~ne metode, vklju~no z opti~no mikroskopijo. Klju~ne besede: rast zrn, z oksidi disperzijsko utrjene zlitine (ODS), jeklo, Fe-Al, Al2O3Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 4, 475-482 475