The linear stability of low-frequency drift-compressional and drift-mirror modes is examined in twocomponent (hot and cold) plasmas. A full-/• dispersion relation is derived that retains finite temperature effects for the cold component. The effect of a nonzero ratio T c/T• is examined, and the critical value of this parameter (that produces stabilization of the modes) is determined. The main result of this work shows that very small temperature ratios (Tc/T • less than 1%, in some cases) are sufficient to completely stabilize these modes at certain wave numbers.
INTRODUCTIONLow-frequency hydromagnetic waves (i.e., waves with frequencies much smaller than an ion cyclotron frequency that are composed of both electric and magnetic perturbations of an equilibrium) have long been observed in the plasma magnetosphere of the earth [-Barfield and Coleman, 1970; Barfield and McPherron, 1972, 1978' Kokubun et al., 1976; Sin•]er and Kivelson, 1979]. Pioneering theoretical work dealt with longitudinal instabilities of the drift-mirror and drift-compressional modes [Hasegawa, 1969, 1971a, and references therein; Lanzerotti et al., 1969' Lanzerotti and Hasegawa, 1975]. It was recognized, in those papers, that instability characteristics were strongly dependent on the longitudinal component of the perturbed magnetic field. An improvement on this theory occurred with subsequent work [Lin and Parks, 1978, 1982; Miqliuolo, 1983, and references therein; Patel and Miqliuolo, 1980] which considered coupling of longitudinal and transverse components of the perturbation, a feature observed for many magnetospheric events. These latter authors mostly considered models applicable to low-fl situations, though high-fl dispersion relations were given by Lin and Parks [1982] and Miqliuolo [1983]. Still, Lin and Parks [1982] sacrificed selfconsistency in exchange for physical intuition' finite-fl corrections were not calculated for all elements of the matrix dispersion relation (they were omitted, in particular, from the offdiagonal terms that couple longitudinal and transverse modes). Hence their results, though qualitatively and physically correct, do not yield precise estimates for the eigenfrequency and polarization of unstable modes. Miqliuolo [1983] presented the correct high-fl dispersion relation in the absence of temperature gradients, but unfortunately, an error (subsequently corrected) in the numerical code that solved the dispersion relation yielded results that, again, were qualitatively correct but quantitatively untrustworthy. To date, the only quantitatively correct estimates of mode eigenfrequencies, in high-fl plasmas, are given by Ng and Patel [1983a, b] and Patel et al. [1983], who derived the high-fl dispersion relation with temperature gradients. The aforementioned papers have established that such hydromagnetic waves, known as Pc 5 pulsations, can be destabilized (quite generally) by sources of free energy internal to two-component (hot and cold) plasmas, in systems with axial magnetic field (B = dxB(x)). Among such sou...