We discuss novel generalisations of Killing tensors, which are introduced by considering rational first integrals of geodesic equations. We introduce the notion of inconstructible generalised Killing tensors, which cannot be constructed from ordinary Killing tensors. Moreover, we introduce inconstructible rational first integrals, which are constructed from inconstructible generalised Killing tensors, and provide a method for checking the inconstructibility of a rational first integral. Using the method, we show that the rational first integral of the Collinson-O'Donnell solution is not inconstructible. We also provide several examples of metrics admitting an inconstructible rational first integral in two and four dimensions, by using the Maciejewski-Przybylska system. Furthermore, we attempt to generalise other hidden symmetries such as Killing-Yano tensors.PACS numbers: 02.40.Ky,04.20.-q ‡ It should be remarked that the idea of considering connections with totally skew-symmetric torsion was already proposed by Strominger [21] in the context of string theories, where such a torsion is identified with the 3-form flux livinging in the theories.