The Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of a space X is the smallest number of open and (in X ) contractible sets that cover X . More generally, a categorical invariant of X is defined to be the smallest number of open sets that cover X and that have certain properties. For example, the sets may be required to be contractible in themselves; or the inclusion of each of the sets may be required to factor homotopically through some fixed given space K ; or for each component of the sets the inclusion into X may be required to be π 1 -injective; or for each component of the sets the image of the fundamental group under the homomorphism induced by inclusion into X may be required to belong to a given class of groups (e.g. the class of amenable or the class of solvable groups). The aim of this paper is to describe several such categorical Dedicated to Fico González-Acuña on his 70th birthday.