In this paper we apply the twisted Alexander polynomial to study the fibering and genus detecting problems for oriented links. In particular we generalize a conjecture of Dunfield, Friedl and Jackson on the torsion polynomial of hyperbolic knots to hyperbolic links, and confirm it for an infinite family of hyperbolic 2-bridge links. Moreover we consider a similar problem for parabolic representations of 2-bridge link groups.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 57M27, Secondary 57M05, 57M25. 1 2 TAKAYUKI MORIFUJI AND ANH T. TRAN Theorem 1.1 (Theorem 4.12). For the double twist link L as in Figure 2, the twisted Alexander polynomial ∆ L,ρ0 (t) associated to ρ 0 determines the Thurston norm. Moreover L is fibered if and only if ∆ L,ρ0 (t) is monic.As is well-known, these topological properties of a 2-bridge link are detected by the reduced Alexander polynomial (see [4], [21], [22]). However there seems to be no a priori reason that the same must be true for the twisted Alexander polynomial.Since a lift of the holonomy representation of a hyperbolic link L is one of the parabolic representations (namely, it is a nonabelian SL(2, C)-representation and the traces of the images of all the meridians of L are two), it is natural to consider the following problem: For an oriented hyperbolic link L and its parabolic representation ρ : π 1 (S 3 \ L) → SL(2, C), does the twisted Alexander polynomial associated to ρ determine the Thurston norm and fiberedness of L? In this paper, we give a partial answer to this question in the case of a 2-bridge link. More precisely we show that not all parabolic representations detect the genus (in this case, the Thurston norm is equivalent to the genus) of a hyperbolic 2-bridge link.This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we briefly review some basic materials for the SL(2, C)-character variety of a finitely generated group and the twisted Alexander polynomial of an oriented link associated to a two-dimensional linear representation. In Section 3 we review a conjecture of Dunfield, Friedl and Jackson for hyperbolic knots and state its generalization for oriented hyperbolic links. Section 4 is devoted to the calculation of the loci of the character variety which characterize fiberedness and the genus of a wide family of 2-bridge links. This result can be regarded as a generalization of [12] and [11] which discussed the same problem in the case of knots. In the last section, we give an answer to the question on parabolic representations mentioned above.