Drosophila glue, a bioadhesive produced by fly larvae to attach themselves to a substrate for several days, has recently gained attention for its peculiar adhesive and mechanical properties. Although Drosophila glue production was described more than 50 years ago, a general survey of the adhesive and mechanical properties of this proteinaceous gel across Drosophila species is lacking. To measure adhesion, we present here a protocol that is robust to variations in protocol parameters, pupa age and calculations methods. We find that the glue, which covers the entire pupa surface, increases the animal rigidity and plasticity when bound to a glass slide. Our survey of pupa adhesion in 25 Drosophilidae species reveals three categories of species. A first group (D. hydeiandD. virilis) has large pupae, produces the highest amount of glue relative to their size and has the most adhesive pupae, withD. hydeiglue being the most adhesive one. A second group produces no or little glue and adheres little. A third group exhibits comparable, medium glue adhesion strength and the variation in pupa adhesion within this group seems to be mostly due to differences in the amount of glue produced. We also observe that species that invest more in glue tend to live in more windy and less rainy climates, suggesting that differences in pupa adhesion properties across species are shaped by ecological factors. Our present survey provides a basis for future biomimetic studies based on Drosophila glue.