The graphical description of morphisms in rigid monoidal categories, in particular in ribbon categories, is summarized. It is illustrated with various examples of algebraic structures in such categories, like algebras, (weak) bi-algebras, Frobenius algebras, and modules and bimodules. Nakayama automorphisms of Frobenius algebras are introduced; they are inner iff the algebra is symmetric.
Algebras in monoidal categoriesA (unital, associative) algebra is a triple A = (Ȧ, m, η) consisting of a vecor spaceȦ over some field (or more generally, commutative ring) k, a bilinear map m :Ȧ ×Ȧ →Ȧ and an element e ∈Ȧ such that the associativity and unit propertiesfor all a, b, c ∈Ȧ and m(e, a) = a = m(a, e) for all a ∈Ȧ (1.1)hold. The datum η in the triple A is the linear map from k toȦ that acts asIt is convenient to regard m not as a bilinear map toȦ from the Kronecker productȦ ×Ȧ, but as a linear map toȦ from the tensor productȦ ⊗ kȦ . In terms of the linear maps m and η, the axioms (1.1) of A readIt would actually be more precise to call the structure just described an algebra in the category Vect k of finite-dimensional k-vector spaces. When this formulation is adopted, the requirement of linearity of the maps η and m is already built in automatically, namely by merely demanding that they are allowed maps at all, i.e. that they are morphisms m ∈ Hom(Ȧ ⊗Ȧ,Ȧ) and η ∈ Hom(1,Ȧ) (1.4)