Locally quasi-stationary states (LQSS) were introduced as inhomogeneous generalisations of stationary states in integrable systems. Roughly speaking, LQSSs look like stationary states, but only locally. Despite their key role in hydrodynamic descriptions, an unambiguous definition of LQSSs was not given. By solving the dynamics in inhomogeneous noninteracting spin chains, we identify the set of LQSSs as a subspace that is invariant under time evolution, and we explicitly construct the latter in a generalised XY model. As a by-product, we exhibit an exact generalised hydrodynamic theory (including "quantum corrections").
Contents4 The two-temperature scenario revisited 18 5 Continuum scaling limit 19 6 Conclusion 22 A Non-equilibrium dynamics in inhomogeneous systems 24 B Weak inhomogeneous limit: an asymptotic expansion 26 B.1 Locally quasi-stationary states 28 B.2 Off-diagonal states 29 References 30 1 A spin operator O ℓ is quasi-localised around a given site ℓ if there is a sequence of connected subsystems Sn ⊂ Sn+1 (Sn is a proper subset of Sn+1), centred around ℓ, such that O ℓ − tr Sn [O ℓ ] tr Sn [I] ⊗ I Sn < e −α|Sn| , with α > 0 and |Sn| the extent of Sn. A quasilocal charge is an additive charge with quasi-localised density -see Ref. [84] for a review on quasilocal charges in integrable spin chains.