“…This effect involves the circuit formed by the tectum and the isthmic nuclei, which implements a winner-take-all mechanism for stimulus competition (Marín et al, 2007;Marín et al, 2012;Mysore & Knudsen, 2013;Wang, Luksch, Brecha, & Karten, 2006 Worthington, 1990;May, 2006). Specifically, the tectofugalrecipient cortex (area TP or POR), densely projects to the superficial layers of the SC (Bennett et al, 2019;Wang & Burkhalter, 2013) where, as we here suggest for the AI, they may contact the TGC neurons. In the case of the mouse V1, descending axons do make direct synaptic contacts upon TGC dendrites, potentiating the visual responses transmitted by the TGCs to the mouse caudal pulvinar (Fredes, Vega-Zuniga, Karten, & Mpodozis, 2012;Masterson, Zhou, Akers, Dang, & Bickford, 2018).…”