The relationship between CO 2 exchange and relative electron-transport rate through photosystem II (ETR, measured using chlorophyll a¯uorescence) was determined for a moss and a green algal lichen, photobiont probably Trebouxia sp., in the ®eld in Antarctica. Net photosynthesis (NP) and dark respiration (DR) were measured over temperatures from zero to 25°C and gross photosynthesis (GP) calculated (GP NP + DR). The strong response of DR to temperature in these organisms resulted in substantial changes in CO 2 exchange rates. The moss Bryum argenteum Hedw. showed a strong, linear relationship between GP and ETR. This was an unexpected result since mosses are C 3 plants and, in higher plants, this group normally has a curvilinear GP versus ETR relationship. It is suggested that suppression of DR in the light might be involved. The lichen, Umbilicaria aprina Nyl., had nonlinear relationships between ETR and GP that were dierent at each measurement temperature. In some cases the lowest ETR was at the higher CO 2 exchange rates. It is suggested that these relationships are the result of strong quenching mechanisms that are inversely proportional to GP. The results support a growing impression that the relationships between ETR and CO 2 exchange are complex in these organisms and dierent from those found for higher plants.Abbreviations: Chl chlorophyll; DR dark respiration rate; ETR relative electron-transport rate through photosystem II ( F PSII´P FD); Fo¢ minimal¯uorescence in the light using far-red light to induce PSI activity; Fm¢ maximal¯uorescence in the light; Ft ¯uorescence in the light; GP gross photosynthetic rate (NP + DR); NP net photosynthetic rate; PFD photon¯ux density; qN non-photochemical chlorophyll¯uo-rescence quenching; qP photochemical chlorophyll¯uorescence quenching; F CO 2 quantum yield of CO 2 -®xation; F PSII the eective quantum yield of photosystem II (F PSII DF/Fm¢; variable¯uorescence, DF [Fm¢-Ft], divided by maximal¯uores-cence, Fm¢ measured during, or immediately after, illumination)