“…For example, those high on openness exhibit greater curiosity and willingness to experiment, those high on conscientiousness manifest higher organization and self-discipline, those high on extraversion demonstrate more sociability and talkativeness, those high on agreeableness display higher trust and generosity, and those high on neuroticism show an inability to handle stress well and a tendency to worry a great deal (Costa & McCrae, 1995;Goldberg, 1990;John & Srivastava, 1999). The state Big Five scores of Rentfrow and colleagues have been related to various state indicators such as those reflecting crime, obesity, religiosity, liberal values, suicide, smoking, emotional health, social capital, social involvement, well-being, mortality, political ideology, political partisanship, asthma, health-promoting behavior, cancer and heart disease mortality rates, creativity, patent production, entrepreneurship, and social, enterprising, artistic, and investigative occupations (e.g., McCann, 2010aMcCann, , 2010bMcCann, , 2011aMcCann, , 2011bMcCann, , 2011cMcCann, , 2011dMcCann, , 2011e, 2014aMcCann, , 2014bMcCann, , 2014cMcCann, , 2014dObschonka, Schmitt-Rodermund, Silbereisen, Gosling, & Potter, 2013;Rentfrow, 2010;2014a;Rentfrow et al, 2008;Rentfrow, Jost, Gosling, & Potter, 2009;Rentfrow, Mellander, & Florida, 2009;Voracek, 2009).…”