Sleep is assumed to support memory through an active systems consolidation process that does not only strengthen newly encoded representations but also facilitates the formation of more abstract gist memories. Studies in humans and rodents indicate a key role of the precise temporal coupling of sleep slow oscillations (SO) and spindles in this process. The present study aimed at bolstering these findings in typically developing (TD) children, and at dissecting particularities in SO-spindle coupling underlying signs of enhanced gist memory formation during sleep found in a foregoing study in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) without intellectual impairment. Sleep data from 19 boys with ASD and 20 TD boys (9–12 years) were analyzed. Children performed a picture-recognition task and the Deese–Roediger–McDermott (DRM) task before nocturnal sleep (encoding) and in the next morning (retrieval). Sleep-dependent benefits for visual-recognition memory were comparable between groups but were greater for gist abstraction (recall of DRM critical lure words) in ASD than TD children. Both groups showed a closely comparable SO-spindle coupling, with fast spindle activity nesting in SO-upstates, suggesting that a key mechanism of memory processing during sleep is fully functioning already at childhood. Picture-recognition at retrieval after sleep was positively correlated to frontocortical SO-fast-spindle coupling in TD children, and less in ASD children. Critical lure recall did not correlate with SO-spindle coupling in TD children but showed a negative correlation (r = −.64, p = .003) with parietal SO-fast-spindle coupling in ASD children, suggesting other mechanisms specifically conveying gist abstraction, that may even compete with SO-spindle coupling.