“…These actions extend the so-called 'generalised holonomy' groups in the physics literature [DS, DL, H] to an infinite-dimensional context. Furthermore, and most relevant for the present work, some new finite-dimensional representations beyond supergravity were identified in [KN3,KN5], and their structure was further analysed in [KNV], where surprising features were discovered, such as the generic non-compactness of the quotient algebras (and quotient groups) obtained by dividing the original algebra by the annihilating ideal of the given representation. These representations were further studied in [HKL, LK] where in particular the action of the corresponding (covering) group representation ofK(G) [GHKW] was clarified; moreover, in complete analogy to the finite-dimensional situation it turns out that in the simple-laced case this two-fold covering groupK(G) is simply connected with respect to its natural topology [HK] (induced from the Kac-Peterson topology on the corresponding Kac-Moody group).…”