The concept of network e ciency, recently proposed to characterize the properties of smallworld networks, is here used to study the e ects of errors and attacks on scale-free networks. Two di erent kinds of scale-free networks, i.e., networks with power law P(k), are considered: (1) scale-free networks with no local clustering produced by the Barabasi-Albert model and (2) scale-free networks with high clustering properties as in the model by Klemm and Eguà luz, and their properties are compared to the properties of random graphs (exponential graphs). By using as mathematical measures the global and the local e ciency we investigate the e ects of errors and attacks both on the global and the local properties of the network. We show that the global e ciency is a better measure than the characteristic path length to describe the response of complex networks to external factors. We ÿnd that, at variance with random graphs, scale-free networks display, both on a global and on a local scale, a high degree of error tolerance and an extreme vulnerability to attacks. In fact, the global and the local e ciency are una ected by the failure of some randomly chosen nodes, though they are extremely sensitive to the removal of the few nodes which play a crucial role in maintaining the network's connectivity.