Ac atalytic asymmetric aldol addition/cyclization reaction of unactivated ketones with isocyanoacetate pronucleophiles has been developed. Aquinine-derived aminophosphine precatalyst and silver oxide were found to be an effective binary catalyst system and promoted the reaction to afford chiral oxazolines possessing af ully substituted stereocenter with good diastereoselectivities and excellent enantioselectivities.The aldol reaction is one of the most powerful methods for the construction of b-hydroxy carbonyl compounds.[1] The importance of these building blocks,c ontained in aw ide variety of biologically relevant compounds,has promoted the development of several catalytic asymmetric methods for their production.[2] However, despite enormous progress in the aldol addition arena, its application to the synthesis of tertiary alcohols still remains am ajor challenge,p rincipally owing to al ack of reactivity and the fact that the differentiation of the enantiotopic faces is more difficult with ketone electrophiles than with the corresponding aldehydes. Furthermore,d eleterious side reactions,s uch as retro-aldol reactions,c an predominate when ak etone moiety is involved.[3] Although af ew catalytic asymmetric aldol reactions with unactivated ketones have been reported, [4] the development of new and efficient catalytic asymmetric methods to access chiral tertiary alcohols remains an important goal in modern asymmetric catalysis. [5] Along these lines,w er ecognized that the catalytic asymmetric ketone aldol reaction of isocyanoacetate pronucleophiles [6] could be as ynthetically powerful approach.Isocyanoacetate ester addition reactions to carbonyl [7] or imine electrophiles [8,9] directly afford the respective oxazoline or imidazoline heterocycles,which can be ring-opened under mild hydrolytic conditions to yield b-substituted a-amino acids.A lthough the catalytic asymmetric version of this reaction has been widely studied using aldehydes, [7] to date, no enantioselective example using unactivated ketones has been reported despite its potential to provide an elegant asymmetric route to a-amino acid derivatives possessing ac hiral tertiary alcohol in the b-position (Scheme 1).[10] In ar elated study,t he asymmetric aldol addition reaction of isothiocyanato esters and unactivated ketones,w hich afforded oxazolidinethione products with af ully substituted b-stereocenter,w as described.[11]Forpromoting and controlling various addition reactions, our group has developed an effective binary catalyst system comprising a" soft" metal ion, such as as ilver (I) ion, and ac inchona-derived aminophosphine precatalyst of type 1. This system promotes the highly diastereo-and enantioselective aldol reaction of isocyanoacetates with aldehydes, [7l] and Mannich reactions of aldimines [8e] and ketimines.[9a] The precatalyst is equipped with Brønsted basic and Lewis basic sites and also possesses ahydrogen-bond donor group located in the proximity of the chiral pocket that is created by the cinchona scaffold (Scheme ...