Distributions of ratios of energy scattered or reflected (DRESOR) method is a very effi cient tool used to calculate radiative intensity with high directional resolution, which is very useful for inverse analysis. The method is based on the Monte Carlo (MC) method and it can solve radiative problems of great complexity. Unfortunately, it suffers from the drawbacks o f the Monte Carlo method, which are large computation time and unavoid able statistical errors. In this work, an equation solving method is applied to calculate DRESOR values instead of using the Monte Carlo sampling in the DRESOR method. The equation solving method obtains very accurate results in much shorter computation time than when using the Monte Carlo method. Radiative intensity with high directional reso lution calculated by these two kinds of DRESOR method is compared with that of the reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) method. The equation solving DRESOR (ES-DRESOR) method has better accuracy and much better time efficiency than the Monte Carlo based DRESOR (original DRESOR) method. The ES-DRESOR method shows a distinct advant age for calculating radiative intensity with high directional resolution compared with the reverse Monte Carlo method and the discrete ordinates method (DOM). Heat flux com parisons are also given and the ES-DRESOR method shows very good accuracy.