In this work, novel magnetic nanocomposites, Fe 3 O 4 @Ba 3 (PO 4) 2 (denominated FBP) nanoflakes loaded with Ag nanoparticles (NPs) (denominated FBPA), were reported for cleaning E. coli from water. FBPA with 1 wt% Ag (denominated FBPA1) showed a higher adsorption efficiency (94%) than FBPA with 10 wt% Ag (denominated FBPA10), for water heavily contaminated with E. coli (5 Â 10 8 CFU/mL), both at a dosage of 1 g/L within 10 min. Importantly, the loaded Ag NPs can greatly improve the disinfection effect of FBP due to the great antimicrobial activity of Ag NPs via the released Ag þ. Confocal fluorescent images and dilution plating results showed that~100% of E. coli could be inactivated by FBPA1 within 10 min. The calculated disinfection capacity was higher than some other materials. Three co-existed salts in solutions decreased the disinfection efficiency of FBPA1 to be~67% (NaCl),~59% (CaCl 2), and~41% (MgCl 2). Furthermore, FBPA1 can be reclaimed via a magnet to be reused. FBPA1 maintained an adsorption efficiency of 86%, disinfection effect of 70%, and~90% of loaded Ag NPs after the fifth recover and reuse cycle.