donors used, OSCs fall into two categories: polymer solar cells and small-molecule solar cells. While according to the acceptor used, they can be divided into fullerene solar cells and non-fullerene solar cells. Polymer solar cells have always been the focus of attention, and a breakthrough, that is., a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of over 15% has been achieved for this type of device. [9] In contrast, a noticeable gap exists between small-molecule solar cells and polymer solar cells whether in terms of performances or the research scale. However, small molecule donors still have some unique advantages over polymer donors, such as definite chemical structure, extremely high purity and excellent reproducibility, which could be better suited for future large-scale applications of OSCs. [10][11][12][13] Particularly, there has been a new upsurge for developing all-small-molecule solar cells owing to the widespread use of non-fullerene acceptors. [14,15] Although currently both fullerene-and non-fullerene-based allsmall-molecule solar cells present high PCEs of over 11%, [16,17] the defects in each system should be clearly addressed. For instance, due to the weak absorption ability of fullerene acceptors, such as [6,6]-phenyl-C 61 -butyric acid methyl ester (PC 61 BM) and [6,6]-phenyl-C 71 -butyric acid methyl ester (PC 71 BM), in the short-wavelength and near-infrared regions, it is difficult to obtain much higher photocurrent. [18] On the other hand, when selecting a non-fullerene acceptor, like IDIC, [19] which possesses superior crystallization capability, [20] it is hard to achieve ideal film morphology with nanoscale phase separation. Therefore, overcoming these issues for binary devices is of great importance for continued evolution of all-small-molecule solar cells.Here, utilizing the individual advantages of both fullerene and non-fullerene acceptors has been demonstrated as an attractive strategy to resolve the above-mentioned problems. [21] Recently, several cases of all-small-molecule ternary solar cells with significant increase in the PCE, which employed one small molecule donor material, one fullerene acceptor (PC 71 BM) and one non-fullerene acceptor, have been reported. [21,22] In these cases, PC 71 BM has played an important role in modulating the film morphology of the ternary system, which could significantly facilitate charge generation and transportation and suppress charge recombination. As a result, the short-circuit current Two types of all-small-molecule ternary solar cells consisting of two smallmolecule donors and one acceptor (fullerene/non-fullerene) are developed. Interestingly, both these devices have a common component: a carefully designed medium bandgap small molecule, which possesses appropriate energy levels and displays good compatibility with the host donor. In the fullerene system, the charge-relaying role of the additive donor is confirmed by the improved charge transportation and suppressed charge recombination. While in the non-fullerene system, the mixed face-on and ed...