Abstract. Carbon monoxide has been excited with monochromatic synchrotron radiation in the 14-35 eV range using the Swedish synchrotron facility MAX in Lund. The decay products were studied in various detection channels such as formed CO + and C + ions using mass spectroscopy and visible or VUV fluorescence using photon detection. A rich line structure is observed which is attributed to CO Rydberg series converging to the X, A, B, D, C and E states in CO +. While a great number of these lines are already known, some of them are classified here for the first time. The combination of information from the fluorescence spectra and the mass spectra contribute important information concerning the autoionization and predissociation of these various Rydberg series. 33.20.N; 33.80.E; 33.80.G have not been firmly established until recently. Thus, it is tempting to look fo r Rydberg series converging to these doubly excited states in various detection channels. Moreover, the lower Rydberg series converging to the X, A and B states of CO ÷ are very complex and fluorescence measurements could, hopefully, give additional information concerning their decay channels. To our knowledge such fluorescence studies using a continuous excitation have only been performed for emission wavelengths larger than 2100 A [3][4][5].
PACS:Since the notations of the doubly excited states in CO + vary in different papers, Table 1 shows the notations used in the present work together with very recently established level energies from photoelectron spectroscopy [6]. These notations have been introduced by some authors to make an analogy to the isoelectronic case of N~.