Recent desires to
develop environmentally benign procedures for
electrophilic chlorinations have encouraged researchers to take inspiration
from nature. In particular, the enzyme chloroperoxidase (CPO), which
is capable of electrophilic chlorinations through the umpolung of
chloride by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide (H
), has received lots of attention. CPO itself is unsuitable for industrial
use because of its tendency to decompose in the presence of excess
. Biomimetic complexes (CPO active-site
mimics) were then developed and have been shown to successfully catalyze
electrophilic chlorinations but are too synthetically demanding to
be economically viable. Reported efforts at generating the putative
active chlorinating agent of CPO (an iron hypochlorite species) via
the umpolung of chloride and using simple meso-substituted iron porphyrins
were unsuccessful. Instead, a
intermediate was formed, which was shown to be equally capable of
performing electrophilic chlorinations. The current developments toward
a potential method involving this novel intermediate for environmentally
benign electrophilic chlorinations are discussed. Although this novel
pathway no longer follows the mechanism of CPO, it was developed from
efforts to replicate its function, showing the power that drawing
inspiration from nature can have.