Recently, mini-drone exploitation is rising in diverse domains such as recreation, commerce and defense. It serves to save human lives, protect country borders and carry urgent deliveries. Given the use of inexpensive components, mini-drones are within every one’s reach. Therefore, malicious mini-drone users are able to threaten sensitive areas and to do illegal acts. Hostile applications endanger critical airspace like above nuclear sites, official buildings and military institution. Countermeasures are an imminent require to ensure individual privacy, secure government institutions and track mini-drone misusers. However, effective anti-drone technologies are expensive and depends on the target drone characteristics and the protected area sensitivity.In this paper, we develop an RF-based countermeasure that is able to detect, identify and disrupt the communication link between the minidrone and its remote controller. The proposed solution is implemented in a Software Defined Radio (SDR) platform which enables adapting the countermeasure to future attacks and the drone market evolution in view of protecting a No Fly Zone such as airports, public events and military installations. We detail the conducted experiments and provide results proving the efficiency of the developed solution.