tr 4. Summary Wc dovoloped a hid-speed waveguide photodiode with-a high &piing-efficiency to a flatended SMF. The WG-PD chip had high responsivitv and a hieh freauenw bandwidth (fi,m>15 GHd. We dek"t;ato ;he operation an h=l.? and i.3 pm. it had a high-received sensitivity -18.8 dBm for an externally-modulated k=l.5 charactoristi& are &miarable with those of a conventional butterfly module. This extremely thin low-cost module can bo used for 10-Gbps transponders to reduce both size and cost.
References[l] K. Kata, S. Hata, A. Kozen and J. Yoshida, "High efficiency waveguide InGaAs P N photodiode with bandwidth of greater than 40GHz," in Techn.