counterion condensation behavior of proton conducting sulfonated
polysulfones has been investigated by combining electrophoretic NMR,
pulsed magnetic field gradient NMR, and conductivity measurements
on monomeric and polymeric samples with concentrations of ionic groups
in the range where dissociation is not complete (IEC = 4.55–7.04
mequiv g–1). In this regime, counterion condensation
is shown to critically depend on details of the molecular structure,
and all atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations reveal the formation
of well-defined ionic aggregates (e.g., triple ions). The corresponding
global minima of the free energy are suggested to be the result of
a delicate balance of the energetics involved in conformational changes,
formation of ionic aggregates, and solvation. This goes beyond Manning’s
counterion condensation theory and has important implications for
the development of membranes with high ionic conductivity as needed
for many electrochemical applications such as fuel cells and batteries.